Supporting the Mental Health of Tweens and Teens
Critical Topics in Parenting / Wed, May 5 / 8-9:30 pm
The past year of isolation, schooling at home, and social distancing from family and friends has created higher incidences of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts in children as young as 9 or 10. Emergency rooms, crisis hotlines, and therapist offices have experienced sharply higher rates of tweens and teens seeking help.
Join us for a conversation with two professionals at the front lines -- an emergency room pediatrician and a crisis hotline manager -- about their work assisting tweens and teens in crisis. What trends are they seeing, how many more children are seeking their services, and is it possible to understand why depression and suicidal thoughts are becoming more prevalent? As parents, what can we do to recognize the signs of distress and find the right resources to help?
PEP Parent Educator Robbye Fox will moderate to share insights on understanding your tween/teen’s perspective and practical parenting strategies to stay connected during these challenging times.
Together, we'll explore:
- Preventative measures for parents and families to improve mental health
- How to talk to your tweens and teens about emotions, anxiety and suicidal thoughts
- Finding coping mechanisms and normalizing the challenges of life
- Resources to turn to for help
- Answers to your questions
Registration includes access to the live webinar, resources, and audio/video recordings.
If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255). You can also text a crisis counselor by messaging the Crisis Text Line at 741741.
Your Instructor

Rachel Larkin, MSW, LCSW, and director of crisis prevention and intervention services at EveryMind, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mental wellness of every mind. Rachel has been running the 24/7 Montgomery County, Maryland Hotline, which is part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network, for more than a decade.
Dominique Foulkes, MD, is Medical Director and Chairman of Pediatrics of the Shaw Family Pediatric Emergency Center at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, MD. Dr. Foulkes has a medical degree from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and she completed her pediatric residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. She has been a full-time pediatrician at Suburban since 2003.
Moderator Robbye Fox, a PEP Certified Parent Educator, has taught classes for nearly 25 years, specializing in topics such as parenting through the teen years, planning for safe teen driving, and managing technology use. She is an independent college counselor and educational consultant with The College Lady, which provides academic advising, college counseling, college applications assistance and other support to high school and college students. Robbye is currently pursuing a Masters in Social Work degree.
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